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Get a jumpstart on your future career

The best way to learn about potential careers and open the door to viable job opportunities is to take advantage of career and service learning opportunities. Improve your leadership and employability skills, develop a network of business professionals and have fun while obtaining industry experience and making a positive impact on your community.

Why participate in Work & Community Based Learning Opportunities?

  • Opportunity to learn more about careers of interest
  • It provides the opportunity to develop technical, academic and employability skills
  • Makes classroom learning more relevant
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Develop and practice academic, technical and employability skills in a chosen career field
  • Earn credit and a paycheck
  • Obtain industry credentials
  • Give back to the community
  • Engage with groups of diverse individuals
  • Build a professional network
  • Expand your resume, career portfolio and/or college scholarship applications
  • You’ll have fun!
Work and Career Based Learning

Youth Apprenticeship Success Story

Click here to learn about Mitchell's jumpstart to success in our Youth Apprenticeship Program!



Youth Apprenticeship

The Youth Apprenticeship program is a great work-based education opportunity which combines classroom education with related, practical work experience. Students receive academic credits for structured job experiences as they make the transition to post-high school life/work/education. They are supervised “on the job” by employers who are in communication with our YA Coordinator.


Students must be employed at qualified work sites determined by Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Youth Apprenticeship Program requirements. To earn credit, students are required to work 450 total hours (an average of 15 hours per week), submit timesheets, earn a satisfactory employer job performance rating, and meet the competency checklist.


School release time is available for students in this program and will vary based on student course schedules and employer expectations. 


Read more in this Welcome to Youth Apprenticeship Letter

Any questions? - Email Charles Gawle -


GPS Education Partners

GPS Ed is an immersive youth apprenticeship program with career pathways in the manufacturing, construction, and automotive industries. Students must be 16 years old to enter the program and have been in high school a minimum of two years. Typically, students participate in the program during their junior and senior years of high school; there are some students who attend only their senior year. Students in the GPS Ed program attend class at a local off-site education center. Students attend class part of the day and receive paid work experiences with local businesses the other part of the day. This model is a competency-based, immersive learning experience aligned to education and industry standards.


To learn more, check out the GPS Ed website 

and speak with your HUHS counselor

Service and Leadership Opportunities
Coming soon!